Mixpanel Dashboards
We put together dashboards using Mixpanel to gather quantitative data on user behavior. While I didn’t put our dashboards together, I used them to analyze cohort behavior, monitor performance across 4 key Beta metrics, and to write bi-weekly summary reports that would help in our iterative bi-weekly sprint planning.
Analyzing Cohort Behavior
→ Common drop-off points
→ Session frequencies
→ Session durations
→ Key user flows
→ Time spent on key pages
In hindsight, the biggest mistake we made came in assuming that our Beta Program would be representative of reality in a public launch. While acquisition spiked in our public launch due to marketing efforts, all of our other metrics took a huge drop. This made sense given the personalized nature of our Beta program. However, our team took a big hit in seeing these metrics drop during public launch.