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Here are some examples of my work over the years - a mix of commissions and personal pieces.

Drawing In Memoriam

Recipient: Morgan Fitzgerald

Year: 2022

Medium: Graphite & brush pen on paper

Depiction of a childhood photo with a text overlay of an Irish blessing as a gift in memoriam of a friend's late father

Drawing In Memoriam
Ologies Inktober

Personal pieces

Year: 2022

Medium: Brush & ink pens on paper

A couple entries from 2022's Inktober challenge (Ologies podcast edition): 1) mycology (left) & 2) cicadology (right)

Ologies Inktober - Mycology
Ologies Inktober - Cicadology
Voltaire & Cherub

Client: Andrew Williams

Year: 2012

Medium: Graphite on paper

1) Creative piece on Voltaire and 2) a partial depiction of Michaelangelo's "The Two Cherubs" for history buff client

"Charcoal Choco"

Recipient: Karen Castellanos

Year: 2011

Medium: Charcoal on paper

Portrait of family dog, Choco, as Mother's Day gift

"Charcoal Choco"
"Fall with me"

Personal piece

Year: 2014

Medium: Dry pastels, acrylic paint, ink pen, & cotton on paper

Personal drawing & poem done in multiple versions just for fun

"Fall with me" B&W Drawing
"Fall with me" Color Multimedia
Assorted Sketches

Personal pieces; multiple recipients

Year: 2011-2022

Medium: Varied

Assortment of personal sketches, illustrated poems, gifted portraits, etc. Find more on Instagram @diacaste_art

Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 03.12.03.png
"An Essence" V2
Anand Narasimhamurthy
"Have You Ever Wanted to Ride the Wind"
"We Are Chaos"
"This Little Light of Mine"
"Gaby as Dobby - Gobby"
Falcon Farms Flowers

Client: Iñaki Mendoza

Year: 2022

Medium: Ink pen & highlighter on paper

Company themed sketches for Falcon Farms flower growers and distributors as a small bonus after delivering market research presentation at a two-day workshop

Falcon Farms - Typography
Falcon Farms - Scene
Falcon Farms - Mandala
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